If you're having trouble seeing your reports after moving onto LionHeart 2.0, check the following areas to ensure your account has the latest information:
- Device Setup: Settings -> Lionheart -> Device Settings -> Device Details -> Enter a Sensor ID.
- Studio Connection: Settings -> Lionheart -> LionHeart Studios -> Add a Studio. Check that your current studio is listed here and has no error messages. If you see a 'connection failed' error, complete the form below.
- Biometric data: Settings -> Lionheart -> Heart Rate. Check you have configured your biometric information.
If you have checked those settings and you're still having issues wait up to 24 hours and then check both the F45 Training app again as the reports may still be processing. If you still don't see workout reports submit the form below, and we will investigate your case. Please note, if you have already submitted the form, do not submit it again.