Lionheart 2.0 has now been rolled out to all studios and the F45 Training app globally!
What's New?
Redesigned reports: New reports are available in the F45 Training app with a new design and a heart rate zone breakdown.
Updated algorithms: New algorithms now more accurately track your performance and have even more personalisation options.
New customisation: Lionheart users can now enter custom resting and max heart rates to personalise their results.
Updated colour scheme: All colours for heart rate zones have been updated in the F45 Training app and F45TV. LED colors on armbands will be updated to reflect the new color scheme over the next [several weeks/few months].
Overhauled platform: We have upgraded to a new system to improve stability and enable new features in the future.
Over the coming weeks and months, more changes will be coming for Lionheart so make sure to keep your app updated!
How does Lionheart 2.0 Work?
Lionheart 2.0 is designed to use industry standard, robust and dynamic formulas that provide personalised targets and metrics for each user.
It takes into account 3 main user variables:
Resting Heart Rate (RHR)
Max Heart Rate (Max HR)
Heart Rate Reserve (HRR)
Each workout type has a specific target %:
Cardio: 90%
Hybrid: 85%
Resistance: 80%
Recovery: 60%
If a user has a HR Max percentage matching the target percentage through the duration of a class, they will score a total of 45 points for a 45 minute workout or 60 points for a 60 minute workout. If the user exceeds the HR Max target, they will score higher and vice versa
What is Resting Heart Rate?
Resting Heart Rate (RHR) is defined by the Mayo Clinic as the heart rate "when the heart is pumping the lowest amount of blood you need because you're not exercising".
This is typically between 60 to 100 beats per minute, with a lower amount usually indicative of increased efficiency in pumping blood as a result of exercise and healthy lifestyle habits.
There is no industry standard algorithm for calculating this, however default values can be estimated using age, gender, and athletic ability.
To find your resting heart rate manually (ideally as soon as you wake up):
Place your index and third fingers on your neck to the side of your windpipe. To check your pulse at your wrist, place two fingers between the bone and the tendon over your radial artery — which is located on the thumb side of your wrist.
When you feel your pulse, count the number of beats in 15 seconds. Multiply this number by four to calculate your beats per minute.
What is Max Heart Rate?
Max Heart Rate (Max HR) is the highest number of beats per minute your heart is able to achieve. It is used to help understand what target heart rate zones a person should be aiming for during exercise to achieve specific fitness goals.
The formula used by Lionheart to determine Max Heart Rate is:
HR Max = 208 - (0.7 X Age) *
* this is rounded up if needed
What is Heart Rate Reserve?
Heart Rate Reserve is, simply, the difference between your Resting Heart Rate (RHR) and your Max Heart Rate (Max HR).
It is used to be able to determine the Heart Rate zones for an individual and is more accurate than simply using Max Heart Rate since it can be more personalised to a person's specific athletic ability.
Lionheart uses the industry standard Karvonen formula to determine the HRR:
HRR (Heart rate reserve) = Max HR - RHR
What are Heart Rate Zones?
Heart Rate Zones are ranges of heart rates (as a percentage of either Max HR or Heart Rate Reserve) of increasing values that correspond to increasing levels of exercise intensity.
Lionheart 2.0 uses the Karvonen method of utilizing Heart Rate Reserve (i.e. taking into account a member's Resting Heart Rate and Max Heart Rate) to determine a person's heart rate zones.
The Heart Rate Zones and their respective formulas for Lionheart 2.0 are as below:
Zone 1 - Blue
Intensity: Very light / Recovery
(60% or less) X HRR) + Resting HR
Zone 2 - Light Blue
Intensity: Light / Easy
((60 - 70%) X HRR) + Resting HR
Zone 3 - Green
Intensity: Moderate
((70 - 80%) X HRR) + Resting HR
Zone 4 - Orange
Intensity: Hard
((80 - 90%) X HRR) + Resting HR
Zone 5 - Red
Intensity: Maximum
((90% or more) X HRR) + Resting HR
The colors for each Zone in the F45 Training app and on the F45TVs for Lionheart 2.0 are as below:
How do I update my Resting and Max Heart Rate?
Click on your profile picture on the top left of the F45 Training app, then click the ‘gear’ icon on the top right, then tap Lionheart > Heart Rate.
How are Calories Calculated?
Lionheart bands use an industry-standard algorithm to estimate caloric burn based on this study. Women:
A – Your age in years. All wearables have slightly varied hardware and software approaches to estimating calorie burn, and a range of factors such as body type, skin tone, age and more can have an effect on the accuracy of wearable calorie estimates. The best way to use calorie burn estimates is to identify trends over time that indicate progressive improvements in efficiency. Typically, a person will reduce calorie burn for the same activity over time as their body adapts to it and becomes more effective at cardiovascular exertion.
What are Activity Levels?
Activity Levels in Lionheart 2.0 are used in conjunction with your age and your sex to help determine the default Heart Rate Zone ranges for you.
The levels are:
Very Light - No exercise, sedentary work
Light - Exercise 1x per week, roughly 10k steps per day
Moderate - Exercise 3x per week, at least 10k steps per day, moderate intensity
Active - Exercise 5x per week with intense effort occasionally, at least 10k steps per day,
Vigorous - Athlete, Exercises 7 times per week and exerts intense effort often.
Missing Workout Reports in the F45 Training app
If you're having trouble seeing your reports after moving onto LionHeart 2.0, check the following areas to ensure your account has the latest information:
Device Setup: Settings -> Lionheart -> Device Settings -> Device Details -> Enter a Sensor ID.
Studio Connection: Settings -> Lionheart -> Device Settings -> Lionheart Studios -> Add a Studio. Check that your current studio is listed here and has no error messages. If you see a 'connection failed' error, complete the form below.
Biometric data: Settings -> Lionheart -> Heart Rate. Check you have configured your biometric information.
If you have checked those settings and you're still having issues wait up to 24 hours and then check both the F45 Training app again as the reports may still be processing. If you still don't see workout reports submit the form below, and we will investigate your case. Please note, if you have already submitted the form, do not submit it again.
If you notice an error ("validation error") when attempting to save your Biometrics information into the F45 Training app. Try the workaround below to save your details.
Swipe/tap back to exit the LionHeart welcome screen
Tap Profile Picture -> Settings Cog -> LionHeart
You will notice the same LionHeart Biometrics welcome screen
Tap Continue
Input your details
Tap Save.
Your data is now saved, and you can continue using your LionHeart.
Connection Failed Error message when adding a Studio
For the LionHeart system to work at your studio, you should add your studio in your Lionheart settings of the F45 Training app. Head to Settings -> Lionheart -> LionHeart Studios -> Add a Studio. Check that your current studio is listed here and has no error messages.
If you notice an error message saying "Connection failed" under your studio name, please complete the form below, and our team will investigate the issue for you. Please note, if you have already submitted the form, do not submit it again.
We are thrilled with the positive feedback we have received regarding the new colors in the F45 Training app and in the studio.
We are currently working on bringing these updated colors to the Lionheart Armband Heart Rate monitors in the coming weeks. We will provide more information as we get closer to the update.
Lionheart Email Reports / Workout Summary
As a result of the upgrade to Lionheart 2.0, we will no longer send out Lionheart email reports as of February 28, 2025.
All Lionheart reports, including the new designs, updated experience and more detailed data can be found in the F45 Training app under Track > Lionheart.
Lionheart Stats - Records
View your LionHeart stats in the F45 Training app > Lionheart under Records.