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Newest Features

Assessment Enhancements

No Weight and Modifications support
For applicable scored assessments, you are able to indicate whether you used no weights for the exercise, if you performed the recommended modification or both and it will modify your score accordingly. This means that you'll now be able to track your progress more accurately over time

Barbell Picker

To make it easier and more accurate to track any exercises that use the barbell and plates, our new picker calculates the total weight of the plates and bar without needing to manually enter this information. It also supports studios that have Olympic bars and plates in the Strength Pack.

Only applies to new assessments, opening previously completed assessments will not show this feature.

Multi-Band Support

We now support the tracking of multiple bands for exercises such as pull-ups, chin-ups and pull downs. For applicable scored assessments, the number and type of bands used will now be more accurately scored and allow you to effectively track your progress.

Only applies to new assessments, opening previously completed assessments will not show this feature.

Exercise Explore

All exercises in the Assessment section now have a redesign, with an 'Explore this Exercise' button that allows you to deep dive on the exercise, with in-depth education on how to perform the exercise, common mistakes, muscles worked and more.


Booking Widget - Mindbody Studios Only
The Booking widget can be found on the home page of the F45 Training app. It provides quick access to book into the next available class at your studio or, if you already have a booking for the day, it will serve as a reminder of your upcoming booking.

Lionheart Widget All studios

Also found on the home page of the F45 Training app, the Lionheart Widget shows you a snapshot of your most recent Lionheart class. Clicking on it will take you to the Lionheart section of the app to view the full report and your history. If you don't have a Lionheart, this Widget will allow you to notify your studio that you're interested in getting a device.

Payments Processing

Eligible Mindbody studios now have the ability to enable in-app payment processing for their members and choose what is available for sale for packages such as:

  • Class Packs
  • Memberships
  • Trials

This is the first of many planned versions to expand purchasing abilities for members and people interested in joining F45. 

For this version, if you have an inactive or expired membership/class pack, simply click the class you wish to book and, if your studio has activated it, you will be able to purchase a new membership or pack and book within minutes.

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