Passporting is the ability for all members on paid-in-full and autopay unlimited memberships to be able to visit any other eligible studio in the world globally for a certain number of visits per month without a charge.
What are the eligibility rules?
Members must hold a current autopay unlimited membership or a paid-in-full unlimited membership, with up-to-date payment details on file.
What are the usage rules for F45 Passport?
Every eligible member will be allowed 6 (Six) Passport visits per calendar month at any studio in the world that uses Mindbody, globally. These can all be used at the same studio, or across multiple. Once the cap is met, any additional Passport bookings will be subject to a 50% drop-in fee (based on the studio’s current drop-in rate), which will be paid by the visiting member to the visiting studio via the F45 Training app.
Usage rules are as follows:
You are allowed to book in a Passporting class as long as the class start time is within the next 24 hours. If the class time is more than 24 hours in advance, you will be prompted to choose alternative methods of payment to book.
You will be unable to join waitlists with a Passport, this is to ensure priority is given to studio members.
If you cancel or are a no-show, you will still have been considered as using one of your monthly Passports.
i.e. if you have 6 Passports for a month, book and cancel/don't attend a class; you will have 5 Passports left for that month
If you cancel, are late or are a no-show for a bookings, any applicable policies and charges the studio has in place will apply. These bookings will be counted as one(1) of your six(6) monthly visits and cannot be reinstated. We ask that you make your bookings carefully.
How can I book in a Passport Visit?
In order to Passport, set your in-app studio to the one you wish to visit using the studio selector. Note:
Passporting is only available in the F45 Training App. It is not available online or in the Mindbody x F45 app.
Please note you can only book a class which starts within the next 24 hours; you will not be able to book a Passport visit ahead of the 24-hour booking window. Select the class you wish to book into and you will be shown a screen asking you if you wish to use a Passport:
Once you select that you wish to use a Passport, you will be shown a screen that explains Passporting, shows you the number of Passports remaining, and asks you to confirm your booking.
Once you confirm your booking, you will be shown the Liability Waiver for the studio if you haven't already signed it. If you don't have a credit card on file for your Home Studio, you will also be asked to provide details for payment of cancelled classes and applicable no-show fees.
Once you've accepted the Liability Waiver, your class will now be booked in and will reflect in the F45 Training app, as well as the opportunity to provide feedback on Passporting as a whole.
Do Passport visits accumulate over time?
No; Passports visit use counts reset each calendar month and do not accrue.
Passport Feature Announcement
F45er’s, you asked and we listened!
We are excited to announce the F45 Passport program, which allows all active Unlimited Members to attend non-home studios of their choice around the world!
How does the Passport program work? It’s simple: if you have an activeUnlimited membership, you can now drop into nearly any other F45 studio globally* for up to six (6) visits per month at no additional charge!
To book a Passport visit, please use the F45 Training App. Click the studio name with the location pin icon ("F45 SoCo Lab" in the below image for Step 1) in the top right corner. This should take you to "Linked Studios" where you can select the F45 studio you wish to visit. Follow the same seamless booking process as you would for your home studio!
If you do not currently maintain an Unlimited membership and would like to upgrade your membership in order to access F45 Passport, please contact your home studio.
If you visit a studio via the F45 Passport offering, please remember that five-star ratings and clothing purchases go a long way in supporting a studio!
Passport visits may only be booked within 24 hours of a class start time. Please refer to the studio's policy on cancellation, no show and late fees.
*Please note there are a select few studios that do not run on Mindbody software, and these studios are currently excluded from the Passport program.
Updates Regarding F45 Passport
Since its debut earlier this summer, the global F45 Passport program has been a huge success! As a reminder, active Unlimited Members can visit almost any studio in the world up to six (6) times per month at no additional charge!
What’s new?
In response to popular demand, active Unlimited members will now have the ability to book more than six (6) Passport visits per month; each Passport visit beyond the initial six (6) visits in a particular month will be subject to a 50% discounted drop-in rate.
To continue to prioritize the ability for home members to book classes at their home studio, you may encounter some restrictions on booking a Passport visit from time to time. These restrictions are designed to be few and far between, and generally limited to higher traffic studios and busier class times. If you try to book a Passport visit and these restrictions apply, the app will either indicate that the class is fully booked or available at a 50% discounted drop-in rate. Alternatively, you are welcome to select another class without restrictions and book a Passport visit accordingly.
To book a Passport visit, please use the F45 Training App. Click the studio name with the location pin icon ("F45 SoCo Lab" in the below image for Step 1) in the top right corner. This should take you to "Linked Studios" where you can select the F45 studio you wish to visit. Follow the same booking process as you would for your home studio!
To upgrade to an Unlimited membership and unlock the benefits of Passport, please contact your studio directly!
Note: F45 Passport is available at the vast majority of studios around the world. There is a small minority of studios that do not run on Mindbody software and are currently excluded from the Passport program.
Loyals is a game that enables you to earn points for working out in-studio and at-home. Points center around consistent training over time based on a member's engagement with your F45 studio over the previous 12 week period, excluding the current week.
You can work out their way via in-studio visits (including FLEX) as well as At-Home workouts over the preceding 12-week time horizon. For new and existing members it provides a fun, simple way to gamify working out that focuses on rewarding the right behaviors and building long-term sustainable fitness habits no matter where you are in your fitness journey.
You can find Loyals (and class counts) from Home > My Profile in the F45 Training app.
How can I earn points?
Earn points weekly by showing up for in-studio visits (including FLEX) as well as working out at home via our At-Home workouts. Additionally, you can unlock bonus points for special achievements.
In-studio workouts are worth 100 points.
At-home workouts are worth 80 points.
Your first workout of the week is awarded an extra 100 bonus points (so 200 points in total).
When you workout any three days of the week you get an extra 300 bonus points!
Your total points are capped at a max of 1,000 points each week.
Can I earn points for visits at other studios?
No - but you can get points for completing At-home workouts if you are away from the studio!
For the first version we have prioritized focusing on building loyalty and engagement at the studio level. We are actively working on enhancing this in subsequent releases.
What are the Loyals status levels?
Your status is determined by the sum of all your points over the preceding 12 completed weeks. For example, points earned in the current week would not count towards your status until the week ends. Weeks start on a Monday and end on Sunday.
Expect your status to wax and wane and, after exploring each level, find a level that works for you and your long-term fitness goals. Focus on what's achievable over a 12 week horizon.
What are the status levels?
Remember: The most important thing is that its you vs. you - find the level that is right for you!
If you notice you're bookings are not appearing in theMy Bookingstab, it may be because they have not synced yet.
If you have booked a class in other booking apps, it will take time for the booking to appear in the app visually. The booking is still booked however may not show right away. We expect bookings to sync and appear in the F45 Training app within 24 hours.
We recommend continuing to book from the F45 Training app directly, your bookings will appear as expected in the app.
If after 24 hours your booking does not show, please reach out to your Studio who can raise a ticket with us.
Note: The Previous bookings tab does not show late-cancel or no-show bookings.
The app says I do not have an active membership
In some instances, when trying to book a class or a scan or access Home workouts, you’ll receive an error saying that you don’t have an active membership. To resolve this, please ensure the following:
You have selected your studio (see instructions below).
Your F45 Training App account email and your Mindbody account Email match.
You have an active membership at your studio (check with your studio).
Ensure that your app is correctly linked to your studio and your membership is valid.
**Even if it may appear highlighted, please tap your studio and try again**
Tap TRAIN > Book tab.
Your currently selected studio will be displayed in the top right corner. If this is incorrect tap to change it.
A Studio list will appear, these studios are those that you’ve attended or browsed the schedule for in the past. Tap the studio you wish to book with to set it as your current studio.
Try to book your class again.
Alternatively, you can also find your linked studios by clicking on your profile picture on the top left of the screen, then Account > My Studios.
If you still have issues, contact your studio to confirm your membership type and dates.
How do I change my default Calendar?
To change the default calendar that is used for the Add to Calendar feature, follow the steps below
Tap yourProfile Icon
TapUpdate details
TapAdd to calendar. If you haven't already given the app permissions, it may ask you to check permissions first
Here you can change the Calendar that gets used when you tap theAdd to Calendarbutton after booking a class.
How can I see how many classes I have remaining (class packs)
If you have a class pack-style membership, you can view the number of remaining classes in the F45 Training app. The remaining classes are displayed before and after booking a class.
Currently, the app cannot display remaining classes for Limited memberships. These memberships function differently than class pack-style packages. We are working to release this feature in future updates.
You can also view your remaining classes in the Profile > Membership area.
How do I change my Email address in the F45 Training App
To update your email address, we kindly invite you to fill out the form linked below. Simply follow the prompts provided to guide you through the process:
We'll let you know once the change has been completed.
I can’t login to the F45 Training app
Ensure that you are logging into the F45 Training app with the same email address you are registered with for your studio; your login details, including the email and password, may or may not be the same as your Mindbody login.
Most of the time a password reset can fix up any account issues you’re having. Try resetting your password by clicking the link below.
Class counts is a feature for the F45 Training app, designed to show you how many classes you’ve attended at your current studio.
You can find this in the PROFILE section of the F45 Training app. Tap your Profile picture to view your Class counts card.
By attending classes at your studio, you’ll earn new attendance badges with new goals to reach, whether it’s your 1st Workout badge or your Club 1000 badge. We’ve worked hard to deliver functionality that not only provides you with clear insight into your visits but is more accurate than any other app that has displayed this information.
You can click the ‘detailed breakdown’ button on the class count page to see your total bookings and the values deducted to reach the true class count.
Class counts are currently only supported for Mindbody studios. We are actively exploring GloFox support.
Counts will only appear for the currently selected studio in the app. Currently, there is no way to view a total count across all your attended studios as one total count.
What does the class count include and exclude?
The class count includesonly classes that you have been checked in for. If your studio did not check you in for a class, it will not reflect in the class count section of the app.
We also only support Mindbody studios and classes at this time, but we are in active development to support Glofox in the near future.
View the below exclusions for Studio class counts:
Class counts do not include booked classes you have not yet attended
Class counts do not include classes you have attended but were not checked in for
Class counts do not include No-Shows
Class counts do not include Cancellations
Class counts do not include Scans
Class counts do not include Classes done at a studio that uses Glofox
Class counts do not include Classes done at studios that were closed.
As an example: Member Bruno has: 5 classes booked in for next week
45 classes he was checked in for at a Mindbody Studio
10 classes he wasn’t checked in for
10 classes that he didn’t attend
10 classes he canceled
10 scans
10 classes at a Glofox studio
The raw total is 100 classes
The true class count of eligible classes is 45 - this is what he will see in the F45 Training app
Why is my class count different to the Mindbody apps?
You may notice a difference in class counts when you compare the F45 Training app to the Mindbody apps (Mindbody x F45 App and Mindbody: Fitness, Salon & Spa). These Mindbody apps added counts for cases that we don’t consider a legitimate class. We want to ensure the Class count metric accurately represents actual classes our members have attended. Below is a list of cases that are included in Mindbody-developed apps.Click hereto view the list of what our F45 Training app considers a class.
The Mindbody x F45 Training app INCLUDES:
Classes you have been checked-in for
No shows
Only Mindbody classes
The Mindbody: Fitness, Salon & Spa app INCLUDES:
Classes you have been checked-in for
No shows
Attendance using the same login details at studios/services that are not F45 but use Mindbody as their billing system
As an example: Member Bruno has: 5 classes booked in for next week
45 classes he was checked in for at a Mindbody Studio
10 classes he wasn’t checked in for
10 classes that he didn’t attend
10 classes he canceled
10 scans
10 classes at a Glofox studio
The above are the exact same raw numbers as given in the previous examplehere
The raw total is 100 classes
The class count of eligible classes in the Mindbody x F45 app is 65
What if my studio was/is Glofox?
We currently only support Mindbody attendance at this time.
If you go to a Glofox studio, you will not see the Attendance tab in the Track section of the F45 Training app.
If you go to a Mindbody studio that used to use Glofox, or you are a member who has done classes at both types of studios, you will see the Attendance tab, however none of the visits for Glofox studios will be counted.
Can my studio adjust my class count?
Currently, we do not support manual adjustments of the class counts by studios
When does the Class Count get updated?
After you have checked in to your class, the latest class data will be updated and reflected in the Attendance tab within 24 hours.
Where is the Lifetime Total?
During our initial early access testing period this was shown to members at participating studios however we encountered certain use cases that made the count inaccurate for certain scenarios.
We have a solution to this however while we work to deliver an accurate and high-quality Lifetime total count we are switching off this functionality.
Update: As part of the LionHeart 2.0 update, we have temporarily turned off the Strava integration as we are in the process of our migrating our backend services.
We are in the process of re-integrating the Strava connection and should have it operational soon.
If you previously had a working Strava connection, please do not unlink it. Our Team will do our best to backfill your LionHeart reports once the integration is re-established.
Building on the success of F45’s existing partnership with Dr. B that helps qualified individuals save up to 40% on their F45 membership fees by accessing their HSA/FSA, F45 and Dr. B have launched a new innovative prescription weight loss program.
Introducing Shed It—a holistic weight loss program that combines the power of prescription GIP/GLP-1 medications with the proven fitness and nutrition tools of F45 delivered through the F45 Training mobile app. If you are currently using GLP-1s, know someone who is, or simply interested in learning more about prescription weight loss, please read on to learn more!
What Is Shed It?
Shed It is holistic prescription weight loss program designed for current and prospective GLP-1 users who are interested in incorporating an effective fitness and nutrition regimen into their weight loss journey. This program integrates medical weight loss treatment with the support of F45's comprehensive virtual at-home workouts and nutrition tools, helping to build lasting habits for long-term success.
Participants receive:
Prescription weight loss medication (GIP/GLP-1 treatments)
Access to the F45 Training app for at-home workouts and curated nutrition plans
Support and science-backed tools and tips from Dr. B
Progress tracking to stay motivated and on track
Exclusive promotions to upgrade the F45 Training app experience to an in-studio membership
What Sets Shed It Apart From Other GLP-1 Programs?
Most GLP-1 programs provide prescription weight loss medication without delivering enough focus around the importance of resistance training and nutrition to prioritize muscle maintenance. Shed It is different.
At F45, we believe that weight loss is more than just shedding pounds—it’s about building healthy habits, maintaining muscle mass, and fueling our bodies with the right nutrition. That’s why we partnered with Dr. B to create an entirely new holistic weight loss program. In addition to getting GIP/GLP-1 medication from trusted pharmacies, participants also receive from F45 the exercise and nutrition support they need to achieve sustainable, long-term results.
Here’s why this partnership makes all the difference:
Exercise and Muscle Maintenance: While GIP/GLP-1 medications help control appetite and promote weight loss, they can also lead to muscle loss if not paired with an effective resistance training program. That’s where F45 comes in. Our at-home functional training workouts are specifically designed to preserve and build muscle while losing weight, ensuring optimal improvements in body composition.
Nutrition: Effective weight loss isn’t just about medication—above all, it’s about healthy nutrition. When taking GLP-1, sufficient protein consumption is key. F45’s nutrition plans give easy-to-follow guidance to fuel the body for optimal performance and weight loss.
Community and Accountability: Weight loss journeys can be challenging, but with F45’s supportive community, it doesn’t have to get done alone. By combining medical oversight from Dr. B with the energy and motivation of our F45 community, Shed It participants can stay on track and achieve their goals with confidence.
Shed It delivers the best of both worlds: cutting-edge medical weight loss treatment and the strength-building, supportive environment of F45 to ensure lasting results.
Who Qualifies?
Shed It is intended for current and prospective GLP-1 users who are 18 to 80 years old with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 27 or higher.
To learn more about Shed It or to complete a quick online medical consultation with Dr. B, simply click the link below:
Did you know? Shed It–and potentially F45 membership–is eligible for reimbursement using HSA/FSA funds! If approved for Shed It, Dr. B will provide a Letter of Medical Necessity that can be used to unlock pre-tax HSA/FSA dollars to cover the costs of F45 membership.